
Thank you for visting my blog. I am fortunate to have friends that love to craft. I hope to meet new frinds as time passes. I have been an avid scrapbooker & crafter since July 1996. Thanks Char. I hope that I can inspire others to enjoy crafting as I have.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cracked Painting

I really like how this technique looks Surprisingly it is fairly simple to do. First you paint your base coat usually a darker color. Let that completely dry.  Add a small amount of water to Elmer glue then paint the glue over the base paint, let the glue get tacky then apply a top color (usually a lighter color) of paint. Let the paint dry. I use a heat gun - holding it 12 or more inches away from the project. You will then start seeing the crackling appear. her are a few projects that i completed. 

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