
Thank you for visting my blog. I am fortunate to have friends that love to craft. I hope to meet new frinds as time passes. I have been an avid scrapbooker & crafter since July 1996. Thanks Char. I hope that I can inspire others to enjoy crafting as I have.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 4th 2013 - The first Saturday in May is National Scrapbooking Day!

        National Scrapbook Day was started in 1994 by a well-known company, Creative Memories and is celebrated on the first Saturday each May. 
        Since 1994 scrapbookers all over the county celebrate their passion for Scrapbooking on this day! What isn't there to love about a day for us to celebrate the love of our passion.

Here are some layouts I put together:


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